Images comparing images before and after editing with The GIMP photo editing software
The sky was washed out so it has been replaced with a nicer sky with clouds.
Shot through slots in the church door, zooming in caught this shot. Compensation for under exposure made the image more appealing.
Model boat in sanctuary of church, SardiƱeiro — near Finisterre.
Edits to improve colors, clean-up marks on wall, repair the "4" sign.
A combination thermometer / barometer in the town square. The words at the top — Tepestad to Muyseo give the weather prediction from storm (tempest) to rain to variable weather to good to very dry. Obviously useful to a harbor town before modern methods of weather prediction came into use.
Imp;rove color rendition, especially in the sign at bottom.
A poster memorializing a bull fight in 1997 with the Guggenheim museum in the background.
This composite is a combination of selections from the next three images.
The sign declaring the name of the river was pulled for the composite.
The titanium top was chosen from this image.
This image was made into a silhouette, with the things near the legs removed. Cropping emphasized the bull, with anatomical correctness.
Driving in La Mancha, we saw this sign. My recollection is it's the symbol for a bodega (winery). Notice the anatomical correctness.
The wires and other distracting element were removed. The perspective, vibrance and sky color were improved.
Distracting wires were removed and color balance improved to help emphasize the contrail viewed behind the wind mill blades.
This mosaic was protected by a plexiglass panel which caused reflections. Matching selections were made from other areas and cloned-in to obscure the reflections. Improvement were made to colors and perspective. A bit of reflection remains at the lower left corner of the central image.
Marvelous mosaics adorn the walls of the Alcazar — Adam, Eve, the snake.