2 Another view of the mountains, taken in the a.m. with the sun shining from the east and behind the mountains. Later, cloud cover prevented getting an image of lower elevations with sun shining on the mounatains from the west.
3 Utah is a curious place: here are the labels from a local beer - Polygamy Porter. The sub-albume shows another curiosity in Salt Lake City: the Gilgal Sculpture Gardens.
4 Gilgal Sculpture Gardens
5 Self-sculpture of the creater of Gilgal Gardens
6 A stone in the path leading up to the previous image, reflecting the beliefs of the creator of the gardens.
7 Close up showing the mason and his tools. Note the pants are made of bricks.
8 Near the entrance is a "spinx" with a likeness of Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons).
9 "Spinx" from the rear.
10 Not sure what THIS is supposed to be.
12 From swords into plow shares.
13 Is that the hand of god reaching down for someone's heart?
14 This interesting work appeared to be inlaid metal, as the next image, a closeup, shows in more detail.