Navigate the Albums — Best view of cards: use a computer monitor. DOWNLOAD a copy of a recipe by clicking ont he Download icon, middle bottom.

Each card was scanned and edited using The GIMP, image editing software, in an attempt to bring out the text and lessen the red tinge that came through when scanning aged cards.

Mom & daughter Ruth at Mom's kitchen table — a place to eat as well as roll out dough for cookies, bread, and cinnamon rolls!

A very old recipe on crumbling paper. It is so old that it was falling apart with raggedy edges. Not to mention, hard to read. Best example of the effect of aging.

Transcription An attempt by your's truly to transcribe the recipe. It is not possible to determine what the bottom half of the recipe notes referred to. Maybe an alternative recipe?

Another transcription of the "ancient" recipe - to the best of yours truely's ability. It's pure speculation about this being a recipe for frosting and unlikely, given the amount of flour involved. Sometimes lists of ingredients for another concoction were present on a card.

Grandma's Ginger Cookies One you yours truely's favorites. Somehow the original card was lost to time. A more "printable," B&W is linked in the next slide. Refer to ANNEX for similar recipes.

Emergency Steak During the depression, cooks made do. This looks more like a recipe for meat loaf than for fake steak.

Carmel Sauce. "Ha!" probably implies "good luck" on finding the correct consistency. Mom had a good sense of humor, reflected on this recipe card.

Cherry Cheese Cake. Mom commonly annotated recipes with the name of her source, in the case, it looks like her daughter / my sister, Ruth Ann.

Scaloped Potatoes. (Bulah was my aunt / Mom's sister. By and large, misspellings have not been corrected in transcriptions.)

Old-Tyme Egg Noodles. I loved Mom's homemade egg noodles. It appears she assumed, as with may recipes, that the cook would know how to prepare the noodles. I.e., my best guess was that the dough was rolled into a flat layer. I recall her slicing the noodle dough into thin strips about 3/16s wide. See next recipe.