Red House
Longways duple minor 22 (1718-1728)

A1 1-4 1's forward a double to meet; fall back.

5-8 1's set; cast into 2nd place (2's moving up).

A2 1-8 1's repeat all that casting up to places.

B1 1-8 M1 cast, partner follow, dance below M2, up thru 2's & pass CW around W2 into progressed places (2's moving up at end of phrase).

B2 1-8 W2 cast, partner follow, dance below W1, up thru 1's & pass CCW around M1 into original places (1's moving up at end of phrase).

C1 1-8 M2 hey with 1's (pass W1 right).

C2 1-6 W2 hey with 1's (pass M1 left).

7-8 Finishing the hey, 1's make a wide final loop to bring them into 2nd place as the 2's lead up.